Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Newsworthy Events

The Des Moines Register newspaper

We've been studying various forms of courage in reading lately.  We'll soon be collecting monthly current events articles citing examples of courage or character (respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, and fairness) as seen in the news.  Remember: your article may reflect stories from around the globe, or be as close as our own Waukee community or school.

A second assignment option is to choose an article that shows our global connectedness.  This type of article would need to show how cultures from across the world and our own, although different in many ways, do indeed share cultural commonalities.  I have graphic organizers or other options for reflecting if you'd like to try this option.

Feel free to get a head start if you'd like!  Post your article and reflection here.  I'll give you more details in person as needed.


  1. Hey some news is that most people who have the flu have H1N1? I know that you probably already know that though. But I would rather have H1N1 because most people who have had it said it was better thatn having seasonal flu.
    ~Hannah I.

  2. Seriosly i had the flu last week SHUCKS!! :{

    Anna :}
